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Contact by email or phone, or send a message


 Karen Kilponen Fix, Chair, 412-596-9649
 Sally Morton, Treasurer, 412-965-2286
 Frank Eld, Finnish Log Construction Consultant,
 Kati R. Csoman, Director, Nationality Rooms and Intercultural   Exchange Programs, University of Pittsburgh, 1209 Cathedral of   Learning, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260; 412-624-6000

Send a message to the officers:



Website developers: Siiri Nikkinen, Sally Morton, 2020.

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Images, Documents, Notes

Page of first occurrence:

Home Page

Pitt Shield: The Institutional Mark, shield and signature, is the preferred identity for the University of Pittsburgh to pay respect to our heritage.The full-color version is available for download.


Finlandia Foundation Logo: Use of the following Finlandia Foundation National logos is permitted in approved print and online materials for purposes related to Finlandia Foundation chapter activities 


"Cathedral of Learning", Harvey Meston, Archive Photos (01/01/1960) (Editorial Use Only) gettyimages-500316057. Edited: color enhanced.


"Finland Farm Vegetable Garden", Jacqueline Macou,  Free photo on Pixabay Edited: image reversed and color enhanced.


Latest News Page

"Newsletter", Seija Cohen.


Pittsburgh Finns Page

Clockwise from the upper left: Siiri Nikkinen, vocals, Nathan Kilponen-Fix, kantele; members dancing at a picnic; Carl  Rahkonen, kantele;  Nathan Kilponen-Fix, kantele, Jukka Akkanen, guitar at a Nationality Rooms Open House in the Cathedral of Learning. Photos from the collection of Seija Cohen.


"Finland Street Sign", "View on Finland Street" , Seija Cohen photographer.


"Finland Street and Finn Hall", "The Finnish Nationality Committee", "Leading to Room Committee", Seija Cohen, Presentation at the Finnish Education Symposium, Year of Diversity, University of Pittsburgh, October 5, 2016, co-sponsored by the University Center for International Studies, the School of Education, and the European Studies Center.


"Activities in Finn Hall in the Hill District in Pittsburgh; Kuppi kuumaa", Sylvia

Rinne, 1987, presented in "Finland Street and Finn Hall" and included in "The Finnish Experience, series 3", edited by Seija Cohen.  


A Walk Through the Finnish Room Page

Three Views of the Finnish Room, Stephen Altherr, Architect, 2016. Computer simulations. 


The Farmhouse Is a "Savupirtti" Smoke House Page

From the collection of Frank Eld. From the top: "IMG_3068", "IMG_3069", "IMG_4635", "Nieppa5", "Nieppa6", "IMG_9744", "IMG_9745", "IMG_9746", "IMG_9747", and "IMG_9748". "IMG_3068", "IMG_3069", "Nieppa5" and "Nieppa6" are originally from the Seurasaari Outdoor Museum, Helsinki, Finland.

 "IMG_9744", "IMG_9745", "IMG_9746", "IMG_9747", and "IMG_9748" are from "Finnish Log Building Traditions", Seppo Latvala, 2010, describing an exhibit at Finnfest which displayed photographs from Kuopio Museum, National Museum of Finland, Museum of Varkaus, The Orthodox Church Museum of Finland, Tapio Hakkarainen, and Seppo Latvala. 

Floor Plan, Ceiling Plan Page

Floor plan and ceiling plan of the Finnish Room, Stephen Altherr, Architect, under contract with the Finnish Room Committee, 2016.


A Model, Built to Scale Page

"The Finnish Room in a Box", Frank Eld, 2018.


Finnish Log Construction Page

Video "Finnish Log Building Comparison", Frank Eld, recording/editing by John Chapman, ADR7Media Production, Aug 9, 2022, YouTube. 

Slides displayed at a presentation at the University of Pittsburgh, April 12, 2014, Frank Eld. 


The Finnish Language Page

"Intro to Finnish Language", Finnish Room Commmittee at the University of Pittsburgh, edited by Nathan Kilponen-Fix and Michael Walter. A video presented as part of the virtual Nationality Rooms Program Holiday Open House 2020, December 11, 2020.


The Kalevala and the Kalevala Plates Page

"Kalevala", Wikipedia, 6/20/2020. References cited in this extract:

1.    Asplund, Anneli; Sirkka-Liisa Mettom (October 2000). "Kalevala: the Finnish national epic" (http://finl Archived (https://web.a 2&culture=en-US) from the original on 23 November 2010. Retrieved 15 August 2010.
2.    Vento, Urpo. "The Role of The Kalevala" ( (PDF). Archived ( ol1num2/vento.pdf) (PDF) from the original on 16 July 2011. Retrieved 17 August 2010.
3.    William A. Wilson (1975) "The Kalevala and Finnish Politics" Journal of the Folklore Institute
12(2/3): pp. 131–55
4.    Kalevala Society. "Kalevala, the national epic" ( Archived from the original ( alevala_e.php) on 23 March 2010. Retrieved 15 August 2010.act: 


5. Kullervo marches to war, fresco by Akseli Gallen-Kallela, 1901 – Kullervo goes to war against Untamo and his people. In the public domain.
6. Lemminkäisen äiti (Lemminkäinen's mother) by Akseli Gallen-Kallela, 1897 – Lemminkäinen's mother on the banks of the river of Tuonela reviving her son. Public domain.
7. Inside front title page of The "Old" Kalevala, Finnish national epos, collection of old Finnish poems, by Elias Lönnrot. First edition; volume 1, 1835. Page text reads: Kalewala or the old Karelian poems about the ancient times of the Finnish people 1st Part In Helsinki 1835 Printed JC Frenckellin Son's company. Used under the Creative Commons CC0 License, creating public domain.

"The Significance of the Kalevala to the Finns",  Eino Friberg, Finnish Nationality Committee's Finnish Experience series #2, 1986, editor Seija Cohen.

"On the 'Birth of Iron' from the Kalevala", Finnish Room Commmittee at the University of Pittsburgh, edited by Seija Cohen and Michael Walter. A video presented as part of the virtual Nationality Rooms Program Holiday Open House 2020, December 13, 2020.

"Kalevela Plates and the rhymes to go under", Seija Cohen, 2019.

"Language in Kalevala Plates", Seija Cohen, 2020.


Seven Brothers and the Big Dipper Lights Page

"Seitsemän veljestä", Wikipedia, 6/29/2020. Reference cited in this extract:

Aarne Kinnunen, Tuli, aurinko ja seitsemän veljestä: Tutkimus Aleksis Kiven romaanista (“Wind, Sun, and Seven Brothers: A Study of AK’s Novel”), p. 8. Porvoo and Helsinki: WSOY, 1973.

Images: 1. From the Wikipedia reference above: The young and unruly seven brothers depicted in a 1970 postage stamp Published by Posti- ja telelaitos - Public Domain.

2. From the Wikipedia reference above: Pieni tietosanakirja. Original source:

From "The Big Dipper, Plans Submitted for the Finnish Nationality Room Student Design Competition 2005/06" by Mika Gröndahl.
First View in Three Views of the Finnish Room, Stephen Altherr, Architect, 2016.


A Wall Hanging and a Kantele Page

From Wikipedia:

1. Late 18th century wedding ryijy made of plant-dyed yarn, featuring traditional motifs of husband and wife, plants, and birds. By Tee la - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.BFile:Keuruun ryijy.jpg From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository Tunnettu myös nimellä Kukkoryijy. Ryijyssä on vuosiluku 1782. Ryijy kuuluu Gallen-Kallelan Museon kokoelmaan.

2. y SokoWiki - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,, Historical provinces of Finland (the borders of modern regions with yellow colour) I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license: This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

3,4,5. Clockwise from the upper left: Siiri Nikkinen, vocals, Nathan Kilponen-Fix, kantele; Carl  Rahkonen, kantele;  Nathan Kilponen-Fix, kantele, Jukka Akkanen, guitar at a Nationality Rooms Open House in the Cathedral of Learning. Photos from the collection of Seija Cohen.


A History of the Finnish Room Project Page

Upper left:  Anna-Maija Ylimaula, E. Maxine Bruhns and Park Rankin; right: Mika Gröndahl; bottom: from "The Big Dipper, Plans Submitted for the Finnish Nationality Room Student Design Competition 2005/06" by Mika Gröndahl. From the collection of Seija Cohen.


Where We Are in our Campaign Page

"Where We Are in our Campaign", Seija Cohen, March, 2020.


The Finnish Room Flyer, Ready to Print Page

"The Finnish Nationality Classroom", Seija Cohen, 2019.


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